
Monday, August 10, 2009


We went to get team pictures taken today.  I don't go into photography studios very often, but looking at some of the sample pictures hanging on the wall made me think of senior yearbook pictures.  One of the pictures on the wall was a picture of a young man with his guitar.  There were always the pictures in the yearbook of the guy with his musical instrument.  I think the guitar pictures were pretty common.  That got me thinking.

The inevitable is coming.  It might already be here.  The high school senior yearbook picture with the student's Guitar Hero controller!  I could picture some of the guys in my graduating class doing something like this if Guitar Hero would have been around way back when.  Of course the guys I'm thinking of would have done so entirely as a joke, but still, I think there are some that might have done it.  It's the other ones that make me wonder if they will do it first.  The ones that would want that yearbook picture taken for the same reason the guitar guy wants his guitar in the picture.  It's his musical instrument.  Not only that, but it's a guitar!  Speaking as one who would like to be able to play like Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Stevie Ray Vaughn, or many others I enjoy listening to, I can see the appeal of getting the guitar picture.  A guitar is more than just a musical instrument.  It's a living breathing thing.  I think that a good guitar ranks higher than a trophy wife.  I get that, and I play like crap.  I imagine it's only a matter of time before some Guitar Hero and/or Rockband addict thinks that his controller can take the honored position of a real guitar.  It's only a matter of time before the guitar guy picture is counterfeited with the guitar hero guy picture.  It's funny, but when you talk to the guy about his picture, it's serious. Just like talking to the guitar guy, but freaky.

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