
Monday, August 02, 2010

Soul Crushing

That is how I would describe trying to find a job in this economy. Soul crushing. I have been out of work since the beginning of the year and there isn't really anything out there that I can find. The stuff I can do requires a certification (minimum of about $300 to aqcuire with no guarantee of a job if I do it), or that I have tools (probably $300 is a low estimate, again with no guarantee of a job).

So every day I go over job postings online, send in resumes, and hope that someone will come calling in response. So far I have had one possibility from a temp service, but they haven't heard anything back from the employer since forwarding my name and information to them.

I think the thing that bugs me the most is the amount of time I have spent in school. I get a degree and there is little difference in what I could get paid to flip burgers vs what I could get paid to actually use a small fraction of my knowledge. It seems like the only thing that might be a possibility right now is something in sales. The problem there is that I am not built for sales in any way shape or form. Add to that I don't like the prospect of being primarily paid by commission in this craptacular economy.

I don't know that I have vented enough for this to be cathartic. I know I'll be able to get something soon. I know I'll be alright eventually. I just hope that will come sooner rather than later.

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