I got off to a good start as far as writing goes. I was putting in some good time writing on the blog, a little with volleyball, but not much actual butt-in-chair-hands-on-keyboard work on fiction. I have done some non-writing work on various fiction ideas. That being said, I had almost gone two weeks without anything to show for it here. So after an 11 day "drought" I'm back here with another post.
Today I started getting some good ideas going on a short story idea. I already had an idea, but today I did some word building of a sort. I fleshed out some characters and some scenes. I got to the end of my night, and decided I need to at least put down some outline type notes. Instead I started writing. I got about 750 words in and my brain started telling me I need to sleep. The alternative would be to wake up at 3 in the morning with the laptop still on my lap.
I got to a stopping place and saved. Then I decided I should really put in a little bit here. I'm a little shy of 1000 multi-purpose words, but fatigue has set in. Maybe more tomorrow.
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