
Sunday, June 07, 2009

Sigurd's Law

Godwin's Law is a fairly well known internet term for something that happens on forums. Namely the longer a forum thread goes the probability of someone making a comparison to Nazis or Hitler approaches 1. Eventually someone will invoke Godwin's Law and make the comparison.

Enter: Sigurd's Law.

I'm not the one who came up with Sigurd's Law (there isn't really a Sigurd), so don't give me any credit for coming up with it. Sigurd's Law is when veteran forum members are accused of picking on forum newbies. Any time there is an established group of forum veterans, newcomers (and some not so newcomers) will eventually invoke Sigurd's Law. From my experience almost every instance of Sigurd's Law amount to unwarrented whining from "the world owes me" types.


~CavV said...

ACtually, there is a Sigurd, his name just isn't Sigurd. ;^)

Clay Hales said...

Don't make me disable comments! :p